
Android Service cannot restart after being killed

I have built a simple Android application to schedule mobile data :)
Everything works perfectly... However in my extended testing I found a very weird issue. Sometimes my application service is crashing and it couldn't restart.

Edited to include LogCat logs

12-01 00:11:33.083: I/ActivityManager(146): Force stopping package com.mybilet.android16 uid=10096
12-01 00:11:33.093: I/PackageManager(146): Removing non-system package:com.goksu.myApp
12-01 00:11:33.093: I/Process(146): Sending signal. PID: 2840 SIG: 9
12-01 00:11:33.093: I/ActivityManager(146): Force stopping package com.goksu.myApp uid=10107
12-01 00:11:33.093: W/ActivityManager(146): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.goksu.myApp/.service.myAppService in 44738ms
12-01 00:11:33.093: I/ActivityManager(146):   Force stopping service ServiceRecord{40c24020 com.goksu.myApp/.service.myAppService}
12-01 00:11:33.113: I/PackageManager(146): Removing non-system package:com.chartcross.gpstestplus
12-01 00:11:33.113: I/PackageManager(146): Removing non-system package:com.estrongs.android.taskmanager
12-01 00:12:48.637: D/VoldCmdListener(69): asec mount com.pozitron.biletix-1 {} 1000
12-01 00:12:48.747: D/VoldCmdListener(69): asec path com.pozitron.biletix-1
12-01 00:12:48.817: I/PackageManager(146): /mnt/asec/com.pozitron.biletix-1/pkg.apk changed; collecting certs
12-01 00:12:49.338: D/dalvikvm(146): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1643K, 41% free 9527K/16007K, external 711K/1112K, paused 8ms+19ms
12-01 00:12:49.558: I/PackageManager(146): Linking native library dir for /mnt/asec/com.pozitron.biletix-1/pkg.apk
12-01 00:12:49.588: D/VoldCmdListener(69): asec mount com.goksu.myApp-1 {} 1000
12-01 00:12:49.698: D/VoldCmdListener(69): asec path com.goksu.myApp-1
12-01 00:12:49.748: I/PackageManager(146): Linking native library dir for /mnt/asec/com.goksu.myApp-1/pkg.apk
12-01 00:12:49.758: D/VoldCmdListener(69): asec mount finarea.MobileVoip-1 {} 1000
12-01 00:12:49.938: D/VoldCmdListener(69): asec path finarea.MobileVoip-1

Well, you can fix this problem when you override onStartCommand method on your service class (like below).
More information: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Service.html


package com.goksu.xxx.service;

import android.app.Service;
import android.content.Intent;

 * @author kgoksu
public class MyService extends Service {
 public void onStart(Intent intent, int startid) {
 public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
     // We want this service to continue running until it is explicitly
     // stopped, so return sticky.
     return START_STICKY;
 private void handleCommand() {


android apk files decompile / reverse engineering

- Download dex2jar tools on your computer
- Extract dex2jar tools
- run cmd and \dex2jar-version\dex2jar.bat yourApk.apk
- this generate yourApk.apk to yourApk.jar
- use jdgui to view the
yourApk.jar source.

Keywords: *.apk decompile, *.apk reverse engineering, dex2jar, jdgui


Android Can not save APN Setting --> Fixed


If your android telephone doesn't save the apn setting, you can follow these steps:

1. Install your phone 'Tweakker APN INTERNET MMS' on google play or open the link below
2. Select your provider and follow other steps
3. Thats all

If you backup this apn setting, you can install 'APN Backup & Restore' after this operation.

No reset, no update. This instructions runs correctly on htc wildfire s (android 2.3.5).

Keywords: Android Can not save APN Setting, APN save problem, APN Settings Not Saving


Jsf 2.0 Hello World :)

Hi, sample jsf page and codes are here :)

Notice: Default tomcat server port is 8080, but my tomcat server port is 8081.Well, your page link


Java - Threads

// 1. implements Runnable, 2. extend Thread, 3. extend TimerTask 
// *** A thread is born, started, runs, and then dies.

// *** this.yield() -> Causes the currently executing thread object to temporarily pause and allow other threads to execute. 
public final void setDaemon(boolean on)
public final void join(long millisec)
public void interrupt()
public final boolean isAlive()
public static void yield()
public static boolean holdsLock(Object x)

// *** Timer Task
public class GCTask extends TimerTask {
 public void run() {
  System.out.println("Running the scheduled task...");

Timer timer = new Timer();
GCTask task = new GCTask();
timer.schedule(task, 5000, 5000);

// *** Fixed-delay execution. The period is the amount of time between the ending of the previous execution and the beginning of the next execution.
// *** Fixed-rate execution. The period is the amount of time between the start-ing of the previous execution and the beginning of the next execution.

// *** Synchronized
public synchronized void deposit(double amount) {}

public void deposit(double amount) {
 synchronized (this) {
  // ....
  try {
  } catch (InterruptedException e) {}

// *** Deadlock issues --> Ordering Lock
// *** wait() & notify() --> The wait() and notify() methods from the Object class are useful when multiple threads need to access the same data in any type of producer/consumer scenario.

Java - Compile Time & Run Time


// *** instanceof keyword using
// *** Usage: reference instanceof ClassName
if(h instanceof Salary)
 Salary s = (Salary) h;

// *** Virtual Methods
public class Employee {
 public void mailCheck() {}

public class Salary extends Employee {
 public void mailCheck() {}

public class SuperDemo {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  System.out.println("Instantiating a Salary");
  Employee s = new Salary();
  s.name = "XXX";
  s.address = "";
  System.out.println("*** Invoking mailCheck on s ***");
  // compile time refers to Employee Class
  // run time refers to Salary Class

Java - Getting Started


// *** Both object and object2 refer to this one object!
SampleObject object = new SampleObject();
SampleObject object2 = object;

// object.getSampleName doesn't change!

public class SampleUtil{
 public static void tryReferanceData(String inputy) {
  inputy = "tryReferanceData";

// method parameters & fields...
public void setCurrency(Double currency)
 // The parameter visitor is the same name as the field visitor. 
 currency = currency;  
 // correct this
 this.currency = currency;

// *** the java naming convention recommends package names be all lovercase
// *** prodected access can seem child class or  other class in the same package.
// *** A static fiels or method can be accessed without any instances of the class existing.
// *** Created objects' static fields reference only one memory location.
public class Employee {
 public String name;
 public static int moneyAmount; // Created all objects reference this static fields!
 public static int getMoneyAmount() {
  return moneyAmount;

// *** the java naming convention recommends package names be all lovercase
// *** prodected access can seem child class or  other class in the same package.
// *** A static fiels or method can be accessed without any instances of the class existing.
// *** Created objects' static fields reference only one memory location.
public class Employee {
 public String name;
 public static int moneyAmount; // Created all objects reference this static fields!
 public static int getMoneyAmount() {
  return moneyAmount;